2016-07-09 Texas and New Mexico

I filled the car up with gas, had the car washed, and got off to a moderately early start. Morning driving is the easiest with the sun at my back. I hit my lowest gas price of the trip so far at $1.87 /gallon in west Texas.

Just west of Amarillo Texas, there is Cadillac Ranch which displays half-buried Cadillacs which passersby can spray paint. The ranch is just south of I-40 and there were at least 50 people visiting when I arrived in the early afternoon. Here are some pictures.

Empty spray cans litter the site, but given the number of visitors, these must be removed daily.DSC_5194

A young kid gets into the act.DSC_0173

West of Amarillo and north of I-40 there must have been about 20 miles worth of wind turbines visible from the interstate. I noticed this juxtaposition of old and new wind power. I pulled over at a picnic area to take this photograph. The clouds are as interesting as the wind turbines.DSC_0176

Greeted to New Mexico with 102F heat.DSC_0181

I am spending the night at the Blue Swallow Motel, a landmark on old Route 66.  There is a vintage car parked outside to remind you of the era reminiscent of the  1950s and 1960s. The rooms are done in the decor of the 1960’s down to the rotatory phones and issues of National Geographic. The hotel concedes to modernity with a flat panel TV and free wi-fi.


When you arrive, one of the family that owns the motel even takes you to the room to show you the amenities.

There is a small garage to house your car adjacent to your room. My room is to the left of the garage.DSC_0184

The owners of the Blue Swallow recommended Del’s Restaurant. The service was excellent, but the food was more akin to a Denny’s than an upscale restaurant. Nonetheless, prices were reasonable. I am not sure what to expect in a small town off of I-40DSC_0188

Time lapse of an evening at the Blue Swallow Motel.

GPS track map of the drive.2016-07-09_gps_map

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